By virtue of Executive Orders 43, s. 2011 and 24 s. 2017, the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR) was created and reorganized in recognition of the urgency to pursue measures to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change in the Philippines.
The CCAM-DRR Cluster focuses on the conservation and protection of the environment and natural resources, and serves as a venue for discussing inter-related concerns on climate change and disaster risk management. The Cluster also takes the lead in the effective integration of policies and programs on climate risk management, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable development.
The CCAM-DRR Cluster is chaired by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and co-chaired by the Department of National Defense (DND). Aside from being a member-agency, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) also serves as the Cluster Secretariat.
As mandated by Section 10 of Executive Order . 24, s. 2017, the CCAM-DRR Cluster adopted a Performance and Projects Roadmap for 2018-2022 with the overall goal of achieving climate and disaster-resilient communities supporting equitable and sustainable development through the following outcomes and programs:
- Increased adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.
- Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program
- Health Program for Prevention and Mitigation of Climate-related Diseases
- Community Livelihood and Enterprise Continuity Program
- Disaster Risk Transfer Financing Programens
- Ensured adequate supply of clean air, water, and other natural resources.
- Air Quality Improvement Program
- Water Quality Improvement Program
- Integrated Water Resources Management Program (Ridge-to-Reef Approach)
- Coastal Resources Management Program
- Development of Sustainable Resource-based Industries
- Sustainable Consumption and Production Program
- Increased resilience critical infrastructure.
- Resilient Water Supply and Distribution System
- Resilient Food Supply and Distribution Chain
- Resilient Energy Supply and Distribution System
- Resilient Communication Infrastructure Network System/ Program
- Resilient Schools and Other Educational Facilities
- Resilient Road and other Transportation Network System
- Retrofitting and Construction of Resilient Shelter
- Modernization of Government Hospitals
- Resilient Fire Prevention and Response Infrastructure
- Modernization of Search and Rescue Center
- Establishing Emergency Government and Financial Center
- Enhanced knowledge, access to information, and institutional capacities.
- Easy Access to Real-time, Understandable, and Usable Climate and Natural Hazard Information and Data
- Inculcating Climate and Disaster Resilience Consciousness in the Communities
- Institutionalizing Climate and Disaster Resilience-Oriented Laws and Policies
The focus areas of the 2018-2022 CCAM-DRR Cluster Roadmap is centered on 22 vulnerable provinces, 822 municipalities, and four (4) major urban centers (Metro Manila, Cebu, Iloilo, and Davao).